A big THANK YOU to everyone who participated in our 5th Annual Scramble for Ethiopia Golf Tournament this past weekend. The event was held at the Hidden Valley Golf Course in Brandon, SD on Saturday morning, and the weather was almost perfect! At ...
Pull a child out of a certain future bound for hunger, shame and deprivation. Feed them, clothe them, teach them and love them. Then watch them fly away and fulfill all of their God-given potential. It's a formula for success that's been working a...
Team-building in an organization helps to form key relationships, increase trust, encourage communication and strengthen collaboration. After welcoming two new senior managers into Adams Thermal Foundation Ethiopia over the past 8 months, ...
Hooray for Kindergarten! If you were a kindergarten student at Adams Thermal Academy Hosanna, you'd be feeling really blessed right now. The Hosanna kindergarten classes recently participated in a dedication ceremony for th...
Wholistic care for the poorest of the poor requires partnerships! During our visit to Hosanna in February, we had the opportunity to celebrate one of our new partners, Dr. Zelalem Addisu of Eyu Clinic in Hosanna. Recently, Dr. Zelalem conducted e...
Please join us in welcoming our new Project Director, Tsegahun Ayele, to Adams Thermal Foundation Ethiopia (ATFE).In December of 2020, Tsegahun took over responsibility for the operations of Adams Thermal Academies in Hosanna and Ottoro. Prior t...
It's been exactly one year since our U.S. staff have been to Ethiopia. So it was encouraging to once again be with our staff and students in Hosanna and Ottoro this past February. Thank you to everyone who prayed for our health and safety. ...
It's one of the biggest and most important festivals on the Ethiopian calendar. Timkat or Timket, which is translated "baptism", is an Orthodox Christian occasion to mark the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River. It is also known as the E...
After nearly nine months out-of-school, the lower grades at Adams Thermal Academies are back in the classroom. Ethiopia took a phased approach in bringing students back to school after the COVID shutdown earlier in the year. First the older stud...